West Comix
West Comix, LLC

the Amazing Ninja

West Comix centers around the Amazing Ninja, an African-American Mutant Ninja. This book is a sneak peak in his anti-heroic world. He is a Class 5 Mutant Ninja with the ability to heal from virtually any wound at an accelerated rate, as well as being a genius swordsman, the likes of which no one has seen since the origin of Ninjutsu. In this book, he is in an animalistic rage on his way to rescue his Grandma Midas who possesses the ability to turn metal into pure gold.

This book consists of an adventure with one of the most important characters in the story of the Amazing Ninja. She was sent to the Ninja By GOD HIMSELF. She never leaves the Ninja's side. She is a Mutant born with natural peach colored wings that enables her to fly. She has the ability to hypnotize by putting one temporarily under her control on direct and extended eye contact. She loves the Ninja with all of her heart and feels drawn to him to help him through his journey.
the Angel


Doc is a Class 5 Mutant with vast psionic powers that includes being able to communicate through minds and control the behaviors of others, erase memory, and voluntarily appears in dreams. In this particular issue, Doc is on a political debate forum with one of his detractors that was once his friend, and chaos ensues.

The Captivating
The Captivating's book involves a young man who is an Olympic level gymnast with titanium claws attached to his gloves and boots, enabling him to climb most surfaces. His has the agility and strength of a vampire, although he cannot fly. The Capitivating is a complex character and vital to the story. In this issue, he is going up against an attempted ambush from a division of the Damned Clan-The Karate Girl from hell and her hellions.

The Mysterious
The Mysterious book is snap shot into an adventure of the character named The Mysterious. The Mysterious possesses the ability to manipulate the moods of others as well as the ability to involuntarily summon an intense unidentified force that enrages her and any living organism in her immediate vicinity. This force implodes anything in its way, at its highest level.

the Amazing Ninja
Movie Tease
Mutant Music
Animation/Comix Reel with Performance